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2023 Show Info

Saturday Show Feb 4th: Double All-Breed show (All breeds sanctioned O & Y)

Sunday Show Feb 5th: Single All-Breed and specialty shows 


Here are the entry fees for the PaSRBA Shows. 

Entry fee $7

Saturday double show deadline 8 a.m. Feb. 3

Sunday show deadline 12 p.m. Feb 4

Mail-in deadline Postmarked Jan 25.

NO DAY OF SHOW. All changes must be made through Easy2Show prior to the close of entries





Chase Austin - TX

Kendal Bledsoe - NC

Nicole Bortz - PA

Bill Bramble - NJ

Wade Burkhalter - NJ

G.Joseph Colucci - OH

Johnny Haussener - PA

George Long - PA

Joel Marshall - IL

Joey Martin - OH

Stacy Martin - OH

Hannah Reynard - OH

Bryan Shirk - MI

Eric Stewart - PA

Mary Ellen Stamets - NJ

Gordon Williams - IN

Kyle Yacobucci - NY

Fayth Young - NC

More judges may be added at superintendent discretion


Show Officials

Convention Chair/General Super: Michelle Forry


Open Supers: Matt and Ashley Bishop

Youth Super: Ryan Geschwindt

Cavy Super: Mike Boyle

Assistants: Dani Berger, Molliyn Petro, Madi Shaw

General Secretary: Tori Perry

Open Secretary: Lori Jo Whitehaus

Youth Secretary: Bob Kolb

Secretary Assistants: Kristina Kolb, Mark Lucas, Deb Schmittel, 


Specialty Shows: Ally Rudy

Vendors: Monica Gray

Arts and Crafts: Angie Meyers

Raffle: Luann Gallagher

Youth programs: Sarah Lowell

Awards: Michele Kulha

Banquet: Michele Petro


Current RHD rules


Sunday Specialty Show info may be found here: 


Arts and Crafts info here


PaSRBA Groups

Group 1

  1. Mini Rex

  2. Mini Lop

  3. Polish

  4. French Lop

  5. Satin Angora

  6. English Spot

  7. Thrianta

  8. Silver Fox

  9. Harlequin

  10. Giant Chinchilla

  11. Blanc de Hotot

  12. American Sable

  13. Checkered Giant


Group 2

  1. Netherland Dwarf

  2. Rex

  3. Jersey Wooly

  4. Himalayan

  5. English Angora

  6. Mini Satin

  7. Palomino

  8. Lionhead

  9. American

  10. Belgian Hare

  11. Creme d’Argent

  12. American Chinchilla

  13. Silver


Group 3

  1. Holland Lop

  2. Flemish Giant

  3. New Zealand

  4. Florida White

  5. French Angora

  6. Argente Brun

  7. Tan

  8. Silver Martin

  9. American Fuzzy Lop

  10. Beveran

  11. Dwarf Hotot

  12. Czech Frosty


Group 4

  1. Dutch

  2. Satin

  3. Californian 

  4. English Lop

  5. Giant Angora 

  6. Havana

  7. Rhinelander 

  8. Standard Chinchilla

  9. Champagne d’Argent 

  10. Britannia Petit

  11. Dwarf Papillon

  12. Lilac

  13. Cinnamon




Holiday Inn Express on East Cumberland St

$110/night, suites are $120/night

Ask for the expo rate






Pennsylvania State

Rabbit Breeder's 

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